Need a sabbatical exploring Thailand's majestic temples or simply a break from the world on an isolated island far, far away from Safe Distancing Ambassadors and TraceTogether tokens? You might be able to... if you fulfil certain conditions.
You need to have a lot of leave days
The Tourism Authority of Thailand announced on Monday that Singapore citizens and permanent residents are now allowed to apply for its Special Tourist Visa (STV), which allows you to travel into the kingdom for leisure. There's a caveat, however: you have to stay a minimum of 90 days in Thailand. Let's hope you have a very forgiving boss.
You need to be somewhat rich
There are certain conditions you'd have to fulfil – such as proof that you have at least $21,700 in your bank account (it can be a local or Thai bank); a certificate of ownership of property in Thailand; or a confirmation of accommodation for your entire stay in Thailand. Basically, being a trust fund baby would definitely work in your favour. You'd also need Thai medical insurance covering hospitalisation, accidents and emergencies for the entire period of your stay and show a confirmation of your payment for your 14-day quarantine at a designated hotel or hospital.
You need to get all your documents in order, and fly in on Singapore Airlines
Apart from the STV, you'll also have to apply separately for a Certificate of Entry with the Thai Embassy, which requires you to fly in via Singapore Airlines and have a copy of health insurance covering all expenditures of medical treatment amounting to at least $135,600. Plus the fact that there's currently no official 'travel bubble' established between Thailand and Singapore, you will probably have to bear your own quarantine costs when you get back to Singapore.

Once you've jumped across all the hurdles, the beautiful kingdom of Thailand awaits you in all of its glory.
Sure, a 90-day leave may not be possible for the average Singaporean. But those still working from home can probably get away with it. If anything, this year has shown us that we can be just as productive from anywhere in the world. When in doubt, just tell your boss you've got a suspiciously-convincing photo of a serene Koh Samui beach as your Zoom background – sound effects of waves crashing onto shore included.
If not, you can still see play tourist in Singapore at these exciting sights and attractions or patiently wait for the Singapore-Hong Kong 'travel bubble' to be established.
Read more:
Singapore-Hong Kong 'travel bubble': everything you need to know
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