It’s an annual affair: Time Out’s list of best cities in the world, that’s been pieced together by the results of a comprehensive Time Out Index. It's based on what more than 20,000 people around the world think. This year, the list of 53 best cities this year places Edinburgh (Scotland), Chicago (United States), and Medellín (Colombia) at the very top. These are the cities you should be heading to with exciting nightlife, food and drink, and a thriving arts and culture scene – all the while, factoring in practical things like public transport and safety.
But where does our little red dot come in? Singapore is now at #44.

Still a sound achievement since we’ve got at least 101 fun things to do. As most of us would've assumed, we scored well in being a clean city and we're also well-connected with public transport – respectively, 95 percent and 92 percent of respondents agree. Plus, we were named as the safest city in the world with 96 percent of locals saying that it’s one of the safest cities in the Time Out survey. Our city also did relatively well for its food and drink scene, with 89 percent enjoying an endless stream of hot new restaurants and cafés.
More interestingly though, 82 percent of respondents believe that Singapore isn't a rude city. Let's pat ourselves on our back for all those times we've helped out when someone's clearly lost and asking for directions. Also, despite the city skyscrapers and modern built-up areas around the entire city, 78 percent of respondents have also pointed out that it’s darn easy to access green space and nature.

Perhaps it’s time to check out some of Singapore’s best hiking trails or secret and hidden parks. An outdoorsy life aside, we’ve also since opened up since a lockdown that’s spanned at least two dreary years. Dining and nightlife is practically back to pre-Covid days, with nightclub Marquee reopening its doors and Grammy-award winning artists like Billie Eilish and Maroon 5 making their way over.

Check out the full list of best cities here and explore Singapore more with a guide to the best things to do in Singapore. Want to hear the latest happenings in the city? Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to get the news!
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