It almost sounds too good to be true, but it is true. At Owndays, you can turn your Instagram followers and likes into immediate discount when buying your next pair of too-cool-for-school eyewear.

All you got is to do head into one of the stores, snap a photo (selfies count) and post it on your Instagram page to rack in the likes with the hashtags #OWNDAYS #owndayssg #owndaysfollowerdiscount #eyewear. During checkout (you'll have to make your purchase on the same day as your post), Owndays will then give you a $0.05 discount for every follower you have and $0.50 for each 'like' you get on your post.
You don't even need to have a large number of followers and post likes to score significant discount. Say you have 600 followers and 100 post likes, that shaves off $80 off your pair of glasses. Given that most of Owndays' eyewear are in the $128 to $179 price range, you're looking at almost 50% off!
Run, don't walk to the nearest Owndays store from today till Mar 31.