
Perseids meteor shower over Singapore: What it is and when to watch it

The dazzling celestial light show will peak on August 12 and 13

Cheryl Sekkappan
Written by
Cheryl Sekkappan
News & Travel Editor, Southeast Asia
Perseids Meteor Shower
Photograph: Unsplash

The National Day fireworks may be over, but there's another dazzling – and natural – show to catch. In the early hours of August 12 and 13, the Perseids meteor shower peaks in Singapore's sky. It is one of the two major annual meteor showers visible from Earth and is famous for producing large, vibrant meteors and fireballs. 

Want to catch the Perseids meteor shower in Singapore? Here's some information and tips from the Science Centre Observatory and Stargazing Singapore.

What is the Perseids meteor shower?

The Perseids meteor shower runs annually from mid-July to late August. Produced by comet Swift-Tuttle, it is one of the brightest meteor showers visible from Earth and produces up to 110 meteors per hour at its peak. This meteor shower appears to radiate from the constellation Perseus, which is what gave the Perseids meteor shower its name. 

Why is the Perseids meteor shower so beloved? Besides being bright and persistent, these meteors are colourful and are also known to leave persistent glowing trains. 

What time is best to catch the Perseids meteor shower?

The best time to catch the Perseids meteor shower in Singapore is on August 11, 12 and 13 between 3am to 6am. Stargazing Singapore says that this is when you can spot the maximum number of meteors, assuming that the skies are clear of cloud cover and light pollution.

Where can I watch it in Singapore?

Find an open area unblocked by tall buildings and trees. Nature parks, beaches, and reservoirs are a good bet – Stargazing Singapore recommends Bishan Park, West Coast Park, Changi Beach, or even open-air multi-storey carparks and sky gardens. 

You are advised to locate the Perseus constellation, but once you do so, scan the dark areas around it instead of staring straight at the constellation for the best chance of spotting the streaks of the meteors. 

Can I see it with my naked eye?

Yes, you can! No special equipment is needed, just good weather, a good eye, and lots of patience. Don't expect a shower either – the Perseids meteors will appear one by one in our skies. If you're lucky, you might even catch a fireball. 

When is the next time we can see a meteor shower in Singapore?

The next major meteor shower that may be visible from Singapore is the Geminids meteor shower in December. Known as the biggest and most spectacular meteor shower, it is named after the Gemini constellation.

Besides meteor showers, you can also catch other celestial events this year, like te Sturgeon Moon on August 20, the Harvest Moon on September 18, and the Hunter's Moon on October 17, says the Science Centre Observatory. 


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