
National Library Board widens array of offerings for kids during the school holidays

More resources to keep the young ones occupied

Dewi Nurjuwita
Written by
Dewi Nurjuwita
Contributor, Time Out Asia
Photograph: Shutterstock | Library@Orchard

Good news for book worms. The National Library Board (NLB) has rolled out more digital resources children, parents, and seniors can all look forward to – especially with the extended 'circuit breaker' period. A range of enhanced digital features and resources have been introduced to keep children occupied during the school holidays. 

A new Kids! Skip the Line! collection of books have been introduced, featuring specially selected copies of titles. More popular books have been uploaded for children as part of the book collection, including popular series such as Geronimo Stilton, Captain Underpants and Fancy Nancy. The collection will be updated regularly so that it remains relevant, fresh and trending. 

Additionally, parents can also make use of the various resources available for home-based learning for different age groups. The S.U.R.E programmes, for instance, promotes the importance of information searching and discernment to the general public. The acronym stands for Source, Understand, 2 Research, Evaluate – four concepts that an individual should keep in mind when assessing the reliability of news – which is ever important, especially in the world today. 

Don't miss the News Gallery, an exhibition that aims to showcase the rich collection of Singapore newspapers in the National Library as well as the importance of information literacy. While the physical exhibition remains closed during the extended 'circuit breaker' period, children can explore a series of online activities to help discern between real and false information. Additionally, non-Muslim kids can also learn more about Hari Raya Puasa with this infographic online. 

The expanded offering isn't just for kids, though. Everyone has free access to eight local newspapers and exciting new foreign current affairs magazines, such as The Economist and New Yorker. And not to forget the collection of online books you can borrow for free with the NLB Mobile App with just your NLB card. 

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