
Live performances at selected venues can resume from November 1

Brilliant news! We can soon watch live performances again

Dewi Nurjuwita
Written by
Dewi Nurjuwita
Contributor, Time Out Asia
Victoria Theatre
Photograph: Victoria Theatre

We've all heard the good news that Singapore may enter Phase 3 of its reopening by the end of 2020. But here's more good news coming your way: live performances can resume at performing arts venues and the premises of orchestras, choirs, dance groups and other arts and culture organisations from this Sunday, November 1. 

According to an update by the National Arts Council (NAC) on October 28, art galleries, some museums, community centres, and hotel ballrooms and function rooms are among the venues that are permitted to resume live performances. This follows the successful live performance pilots conducted from September 11. However, permitted venues can host indoor live performances of up to two zones of 50 audience members, with safe management measures in place. Additionally, persons entering live performance venues are required to check in to SafeEntry through either scanning the QR code using the TraceTogether App or by presenting their TraceTogether Token to be scanned. 

Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT) and Wild Rice have both extended their respective runs for Tuesdays With Morrie and An Actress Prepares, which sold out quickly when tickets were first released. SRT, for instance, is extending its run to December 6 and opening up circle seats for shows from November 5 following the announcement by NAC. 

While we're all celebrating the brilliant news, it's not yet time to let our guards down. Safe management measures must be observed for live performances, including limits on the number of production crew and performers who can be unmasked, safe distancing on stage, backstage, between the performers, and among the audience.

We don't know about you, but that's a price we're willing to pay. Whatever it is, we're just really excited to finally sit in theatres halls again. 

Read more: 
Singapore may enter Phase 3 of its reopening by the end of 2020
TraceTogether app or token to be made compulsory at public venues by end December
What to expect when attending a live performance in the 'new norm'

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