Jurassic Nest open its doors on November 18 to the general public where diners can feast amongst 18 formidable dinosaurs. Out of the 18, three of which are life-size and highlight hyperrealistic animatronic features. You can find the mighty T-rex sheltered under the majestic waterfall while the stealthy Oviraptor hides in the shadow of another waterfall. Adjacent to that is an unmissable five-metre-tall Brachiosaurus that is set to captivate many. Watch as they come alive with multi-sensory daily programmes running every hour from 12pm to 8pm. The best part? The immersive shows are free of admission.

Reptilian fans will also be pleased to know of 15 other static dinosaurs scattered around the premises. Some of these depict the Velociraptor, Dilong Paradoxus, Corythosaurus and Parasaurolophus. It is after all a food hall and perhaps the only one where you’ll be able to dine in peace around these magnificent top predators. Choose from a star-studded lineup of well-loved Asian favourites (from $8.80) by seven culinary brands – four of which are Michelin-affiliated. They are Hawker Chan, Tsuta, Bismillah Biryani, Nasi Lemak Ayam Taliwang, TookLae Dee, Mama by Putien Group, and JN Cafe.
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