
How your donation to charity counts as paid entry to the next 'This Is' party

#GotYouCoveredSG is an initiative to help those in need during the circuit breaker

Cam Khalid
Written by
Cam Khalid
Branded Content Editor
Photograph: Unsplash/Alexandra Lammerink

Amid concerns during these unprecedented times, restrictions are put in place, daily routines are disrupted, and staying home is the new norm. It also continues to impact the industry and commercial businesses, as well as the lives of migrant workers, low-income families, and the vulnerable. Many individuals and organisations are doing their part in helping the community by supporting businesses and donating to charities. And in the spirit of caring and giving, the party people behind the This Is series are not excluded.

Known for their throwback shindig This Is The 90s, break-up songs appreciation party This Is Heartbreak, and female-centric hip-hop night This Is Cozy at various nightclubs in Singapore, the Paper Street Soap Company recently started the #GotYouCoveredSG campaign to encourage revellers to donate to any charity of their choice at By donating the usual cover charge ($30), you'll be entitled to free entry at the next jamboree once the circuit breaker measures have been lifted.

Say what? Each donation acts as an exchange for entry, therefore counting it as your paid cover charge for any future party of your choice, including any of the This Is event. Once you've donated, take a screenshot of it and post the receipt up on your Instagram story with the hashtag #GotYouCoveredSG and tags @thisisthe90s_, @thisisheartbreak_ or @thisiscozy_ . This is so your donation could be validated by the team. So while you party in your bedroom, why not give back to the community too? Do your bit at, or check out our guide on how you can help your community right now

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