It just launched its latest initiative under the fund. DECK has collaborated with 15 local and international artists to launch a series of tote bags of 15 selected works to support the Building Fund. The artists are: Aik Beng Chia, Ang Song Nian, Angki Purbandono, Chow and Lin, Feng Li, Hu Qiren, John Clang, Lavender Chang, Liana Yang, Manit Sriwanichpoom, Mitti Ruangkritya, Robert Zhao, Sherman Ong, Theseus Chan and Yukari Chikura. Each tote bag tells a different story, and only 30 of each design is available.
"With the vision for a permanent building for photography arts and the community, the DECK building contribute to the development of our future visual voices. The arrival of an alternative arts space signals the coming of age in Singapore embracing diversities in the arts ecosystem," DECK says in a Facebook post.
Every purchase counts, because 100 percent of the proceeds will go to the ongoing Building Fund. You can get the totebags from now till March 31 here.