
Free reusable masks that can filter bacteria will be distributed by end May

We will be getting a 'better' mask at the end of the month

Delfina Utomo
Written by
Delfina Utomo
Contributor, Time Out Asia
face mask
Photo: People's Association

There's a new type of reusable mask in town but before you run out of the house to panic buy, we're getting it free from the government. Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said on May 6 that all Singapore residents will be able to collect this reusable cloth mask at the end of the month. This will be the third nationwide distribution of masks to help stem the spread of Covid-19.  

The new cloth masks filter out bacteria, unlike the ones distributed in April before the 'circuit breaker' was announced. The previous mask was used to protect the community from the spread of the Covid-19. It also prevents people from touching their face too frequently. While reusable masks are more sustainable, it is also important to wash and sanitise it after every use. 

The new masks can be collected in the same way as the previous distributions – from collection points at community centres and residents' committee centres, whichever is more convenient for you. All you have to do is show proof of identification and you're good to go. This time, vending machines have also been introduced, allowing easier access for residents who are unable to collect their masks during the designated times. More details on the mask collection will be released closer to the end of May. 

Read more on the different types of face masks you can use during this period or get a trendy cloth one from a local label.

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