
Educational Instagram accounts to follow for information on GE2020

It's election season! Keep up with what's going on by following these Instagram accounts for more information

Delfina Utomo
Written by
Delfina Utomo
Contributor, Time Out Asia
Illustration by @illobyanngee

Even as we enter Phase 2, this year's Singapore general election will face restrictions that we've never seen before. With no on-the-ground rallies, parties have to take their campaigns online. And with more Gen Z and millennial voters in the mix, Instagram has become an invaluable tool for education and outreach.

Take this time to pore over Singapore's political history by reading up, learn more about how constituencies have changed over the years and read the various party manifestos to better understand the issues. If you rather consume this information through colourful illustrations and well-designed infographics, check out these Instagram accounts that are using their platforms to keep us informed and educated.


New Naratif produces explainers on 'How Singapore's elections operate' and 'basic political concepts' you should know. Its managing director Thum Ping Tjin – a scholar, historian and Olympic athlete – also regularly produces videos that cover issues like foreign funding and the Oxley Road dispute. Besides local affairs, New Naratif believes in democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of information in Southeast Asia – so you can stay up-to-date on what's going on in the region.


Our Grandfather Story is best known for its videos that cover local stories, people and places. But this election season, it has entered the fray by producing infographics that succinctly presents information first-time and younger voters. Besides guides on how to votes, here's an explainer on how you can be smart about forming your own opinions. 


This illustration explains who's who in parliament and how our votes affect the seats. Anngee is an illustrator in Singapore who uses art to unpack social issues in her own unique way. Read our interview with her here

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Holy **** I thought I had more time to research and finish this but I guess this will have to do. As usual, this is a very short, simplified summary of what MPs do, if you’re interested to find out more, I’ve included some links that I used to put this comic together. If you spot any mistakes or important points I’ve left out, please comment below! 🙏🏻 Error: For GE 2020, maximum number of MPs in a GRC has been changed to 5 instead of 6! Edit 2: Details about the passing of Bills as Acts of Parliament have been simplified for the purposes of this comic, please look it up if you are keen on the specifics of voting percentages and passing of Bills! #illobyanngee #comic #generalelection #singapore #politics

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If you care about environmental issues and want to see which parties are implementing plans to combat climate change, check out this scoresheet by environmental activists, SG Climate Rally. Find even more ways you can do your part to be environmentally conscious on its platform.

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Since the launch of our policy brief, we have been contacting political parties to clarify their climate policies. So far, only the PAP, WP and SDP have enough details in their speeches and proposals that allow us to assign them a meaningful score. We will be reviewing other parties as they release their manifestos. The climate crisis will be the defining crisis of our generation. To truly emerge stronger from the pandemic, we cannot go back to normal. A green and just recovery is the only way to secure a better and fairer society for all of us. We look forward to seeing all candidates speak up more about climate issues in the run-up to the elections. As voters, we also play an important role in pushing our candidates towards this goal. Head to for more details of the scorecard, and sign up for our Neighbourhood Greenwatch initiative to push your candidates for more ambitious climate commitments!

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For more useful information for first-time voters in GE2020, Peony Magazine has put together this helpful infographic. For alternative and indie culture issues, you can follow this locally based online zine.

Ready for something meatier? Learn about parliamentary supermajority and how it affects laws that are made in Singapore. Cape describes itself as a community for advocacy and political education. The account is led by students from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Yale-NUS and contains a lot of useful resources about politics in Singapore from their own research.


Younger people are getting involved with social and environmental issues in Singapore in ways we have never seen before. Though only 18 and not eligible to vote just yet, Kate of @byobottlesg has put together a list of resources to check out about Singapore politics. It's never too early or late to start learning. 

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Minority artists in Singapore
How the LGBT community is staying connected
Essential reading: best books about Singapore politics

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