
Dear Santa, here are eight things we want for Singapore this Christmas


It's that wonderful time of the year again where we pen down our deepest wishes and send them over to the North Pole. World peace and the end of global warming aside, we've got some serious business for ol' Saint Nick. So Santa, can you hear us? We've been really good kids this year... so please grant us our wishes. 

1. A better MRT system

Let's get the most tiring one out of the way first. We know, they're doing everything they can and are finding ways to improve, but is it really that selfish of us to ask for a day without wondering if we'd hear the dreaded "track fault" announcement while on the way to work? Don't think so.

2. Cool weather all-year round

Alright, we know this is up to Mother Nature but hey Santa, if you could speak to her real quick that'll be great. Gone shall be the days where we'll face stifling heat and enjoy perfect air-con weather. We've also managed to go through the whole of 2017 without having to wear an N95 so let's keep it that way.

3. Less Jack Neo films and more Kirsten Tans

Call Jack Neo a national treasure if you must but we'd love to see more indie directors take the local film scene by storm. This year saw homegrown talent Kirsten Tan take home an award at the Sundance Film Festival and we'd love to have more of that. Budding filmmakers, we're right behind you! 

4. More Milo vans, please

Nathan Hartono did his part but now we want more. Because seriously, do we need an actual reason for this? We think Singapore deserves more Milo trucks going 'round. 

5. Let's be less kiasu

Honestly, it's a Singaporean trait we can only hope to cease to exist. No, we don't understand the fascination about being the first in line to buy a Gong Cha or an iPhone X. But then again, can we call ourselves Singaporeans if we aren't kiasu? Hmm...

6. More burgers inspired by local dishes

Mcdonald's nasi lemak burger came and gone. And it was so good (read our review here). So how 'bout one inspired by laksa or mee siam? We'd definitely be down for that.

7. More hawkers on next year's Michelin Guide

Hawker food is at the heart of Singapore's culture, so it makes sense for it to bag stars at the prestigious award ceremony. Sadly, there weren't any new hawker entries in this year's guide so let's hope next year sees some!

8. Taylor Swift's Reputation tour in Singapore

Haters, shake it off. Call it what you want, but we're huge Swifties here and if this American pop star heads to our shores again in support of her latest record, Reputation – it's gonna be a die-die must go event. 

Not ready to say goodbye to 2017 yet? Check out the 10 coolest (and worst) things that happened in Singapore this year.

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