Home by Dick Lee has become an iconic song that unites Singaporeans wherever they are in the world. It's a comforting ballad to hear, especially during these tough times. It's been more than twenty years since the song's release, but it's still an unofficial anthem for Singapore, reminding us that we're standing together as one no matter the situation. Non-profit arts organisation Voices of Singapore, supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has launched a Virtual Choir Project to provide a platform for Singaporeans all over the world to unite through song. The project has brought in a total of over 900 submissions from Singaporeans in 26 different countries, with each sending in home videos of themselves singing Dick Lee's tune.
Spearheaded by the organisation, choral snippets of the song are submitted from the Singaporeans, aged 5 to 80, then woven professionally into a heartwarming music video. Watch closely, and you will also find familiar faces such as Nathan Hartono, Shigga Shay, Charlie Lim, Jasmine Sokko, Yung Raja, Fariz Jabba, Joie Tan and Tan Wei Tian singing along.
“It has been so heart-warming to watch the hundreds of videos of people from all walks of life coming together to sing. It is a timely reminder to all of us that whatever the situation, we are never alone,” says Darius Lim, Artistic Director of Voices of Singapore, in a press statement.
The song's original composer, Dick Lee, expressed his support for the project: "I'm so glad that Home can be a uniting factor for Singaporeans during these trying times. Good luck everyone and God bless.”
You can find the music video for the virtual choir on Voices of Singapore's official YouTube and Facebook pages.