Welcome to Time Out Singapore's 52 Weeks of #ExcitingSG – our commitment to showing you the best of what's going on in the city this week. Every Monday, a guest writer who's "in" with the scene shares a recommendation on what to see, eat, do or buy in the city. This week, we go through what a year of highs it has been for actress and Singapore homegirl, Tan Kheng Hua, the movie also opened doors for her internationally which means more work opportunities in Singapore and abroad and also being away from friends, family and Singapore often. Currently, she is in Los Angeles settling some administrative issues that will enable her to work in America – where she will be until after Christmas. More importantly, she takes it all in stride and knows that what is most important are the things close to her heart. She teaches us a thing or two about that.
What gets you excited about Singapore?
My friends and family always get me excited. Sometimes on the plane, after being away for awhile, my heart pounds knowing I am going to see my greatest love, my daughter, again. No matter what, Singapore will always be my one and only true home. The country where I was born, where I grew up and where the people I love most are and the place that I know and that knows me best. That gets me all excited.
Describe how your year has been like?
2018 has been a year of great surprises, professionally and personally. It has been a year of renewal, and new ways of living, seeing and experiencing life. It has been a year that has made me feel so young and a year where my age and experience has worked so well together. A year of finding balance and peace.
How much has changed for you after the release of Crazy Rich Asians?
The greatest change is that i now have a UK and US representation to hopefully help me work more and work better. The other great change is that with CRA, more people from all over the world has seen my work.
You’ve been involved in several independent theatrical projects like collaborations with Uniqlo and The Substation, on top of filming shows abroad – do you prefer being behind or in front of the camera?
I love a balance of both. As an actor you necessarily have to spend a lot of time worrying and taking care of yourself. As a producer, you spend a lot of time worrying and taking care of others. In life, i believe we all need to love and be loved.
What do you wish to see more in Singapore next year?
I always wish for Singapore, the people as well as the people who run the people, to better understand and trust human nature. And to understand and enjoy and delight in all that humans can offer!
What do you miss most about Singapore when filming overseas?
I miss my daughter always most of all.