If Kamasi Washington’s acclaimed debut record last year proved anything, it’s that cosmic jazz is well and alive decades after its heyday in the late-’60s. And we’re super stoked that Flying Lotus, the producer extraordinaire who counts the Alice Coltrane as his grand-aunt, is bringing his (interstellar) space cadet jazz to town.
Born Steve Ellison, the LA-based musician has five studio albums that brew bass music, John Coltrane’s Ascension-era jazz and modern hip hop into an ectoplasmic goo. But it ain’t all erudite, noggin-twisting tunes. FlyLo’s latest LP, You’re Dead!, is a 20-track opus whose agility and vitality are as well-built for the dancefloor as they are for an arena. So set the controls for the heart of Sentosa, people – you don’t wanna miss this.