As many stay in during this circuit breaker period, so are our local buskers. This causes a setback in their income, as well as doing what they enjoy most: performing. Contrary to popular belief, buskers aren’t just performing for your loose change. For years, street musicians have turned public spaces into their stage with only a guitar in their hands, wind in their hair and a song on their lips, giving them carte blanche to express themselves and interact with the public audience.
But given the situation, buskers are teaming up with Circles.Life to bring their live-streamed acoustic sets to your home. Starting from April 17 at 8pm, you can tune in and show your support by purchasing a ticket via the Discover section of the Circles.Life app. You'll then receive a link to watch your favourite busker belt out their creative covers and originals. You don't even have to be on the Circles.Life mobile plan to show some love. All ticket sales will go to the respective buskers.
The line-up includes Jay Yeo (April 17), Yi Ting (April 18), Jason Yu (April 19), Fyrdauz Macbeth (April 20), and Cliff Lee (April 21). Check out for more information.