
LOOK A full green bodysuit because Bgourd is short for bittergourd
SOUND East Coast rap vibes with a local (and nerdy) feel
Why would anyone perform as a bittergourd, of all vegetables? The up and coming rap artist Bgourd has the perfect answer. Like the vegetable, he says that his music is an acquired taste. Before every performance, he puts on a full-body smooth green suit which only leaves his eyes, nose and mouth uncovered. Before you write him off for his look, he starts rapping in the fast-paced rhythmic style which is alike to East Coast rap which also delves into deeper and more intellectual content.
Where do you get your ideas and inspiration for the music you write?
My rap is definitely observational and based off things that I’m currently reading or studying. For example, one of the bars in my songs is “looking at cockfights in Bali beach” – that was from one of my school readings about the cultural impact of cockfighting in Indonesia which also made me think of Singapore and how ruthless life can be. I’m actually a computer science student.
What are some things you’ve observed recently that really grinds your gears?
There’s definitely the lack of diversification or the lack of diverse representation in the scene. I have an issue with the ‘majority’ believing or acting like the scene is their property or their entitlement – which we’ve seen a lot quite recently. With all my shows in the future with my team, I want to make sure that we all represent the scene the best way we can.
What is something you’d like to rap about someday?
I would like to write about computers. I have some bars about finance but it’s not something I think about a lot. I’m a tech student and I think about it a lot so maybe one day I can write about Elon Musk in space or something.