If you've ever done a scalp treatment then you know that it's a pretty standard and dull affair. A trichologist scans your scalp, picks a particularly nasty section and shows you how clogged your follicles are. You go for the treatment, your scalp gets scanned once more and naturally, the previously clogged follicle is clean and clear. These types of treatments don't let you track your progress of hair growth and scalp health, and going for a treatment once or twice a month doesn't make a huge difference if you aren't caring for your crown at home.
At Svenson, these concerns are tackled with two of its latest trichological innovations: the In-Depth Hair Analysis (IDHA), a machine that quantitatively tracks the number of hairs you have on each section of your head and the new Haffirmations Home Care system that comprises three ranges of paraben-free products that normalise oily hair and scalp, reduce hair loss, and rebuild thinning or damaged hair.
After you've completed your IDHA at Svenson, the images are sent to a lab that then counts the actual number of strands per follicle, number of follicles and hair
thickness – diagnosing the condition of your scalp, thus allowing your trichologist to recommend the best course of treatment to achieve a thick, luscious mane. Corrective treatments are priced from $90, with hair fillers ($350) and radio-frequency treatments ($380) available for more serious cases.