Starring Macaulay Culkin, Tim Curry, Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern
The story A family holiday favourite, the sequel to Home Alone, the sequel sees Kevin (Culkin) gets detached from the family again, and while they fly on holiday to Florida, he fetches up alone in New York. Bad burglars Harry (Pesci) and Marv (Stern) turn up again to rob a toy shop of its Christmas takings, which owner Mr Duncan (Bracken) has earmarked for a children's hospital. Wandering about Central Park, Kevin encounters a sinister-seeming but actually lonely pigeon lady (Fricker), and advises her about love and life (much as he did the sinister-seeming but lonely snow-shoveller in the earlier film). His sojourn at the Plaza Hotel is fraught with suspicious staff (Curry), but his battle with the burglars - surely the point of these flicks - mistakes the pain threshold for hilarity.