Six comedians are set to bring their A-game – that’s ‘A’ for ‘Australia’ – to town as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow returns to our shores.
The line-up features four natives from Down Under: Andy Saunders, whose satirical humour has made him one of the country’s leading indigenous comedians; Nick Cody, who has supported big names such as Bill Burr; and Ernie Austin and David Adams – collectively known as ElbowSkin – who are known for their colourful musical comedy performances. They will be joined by Kiwi Urzila Carlson, who once joked that she couldn’t lose weight as that would mean losing too much material.
And then there’s Irishman Dave Callan, the self-dubbed ‘hairiest comedian in Australia who has been mistaken for Chewbacca, Jesus and The Wild Man from Borneo’.