We canvassed hundreds of our readers for their thoughts on the local dating scene for our Time Out Singapore dating survey and here, we highlight the best dates (completely unedited, btw) you folks have been on.
Our readers' responses:
‘We were somewhere secluded on a campus and making out like nobody's business. Only to realise there were security cameras everywhere after the session.’ – Aisyah, attached female in her 30s
‘Met on Tinder, at my house a few hours later lol.’ – Eric, attached male in his 30s
‘Guy brings me to a closed-door restaurant where you have to book in advance and they give you the address after confirming attendance. It was intriguing! The food was amazing. We had to eat with other people, but followed it up with drinks alone afterward. The planning that went into it meant a lot. The experience was so special, and the company was great.’ – Melissa, single female in her 20s
‘Halloween Horror Nights at USS. It's quite smart and ideal because it gives the chance for physical contact in a natural situation, not an awkward one.’ – Yishi, attached female in her 20s

Marina Barrage
‘A surprise picnic by Marina Barrage à la The Bachelor. After some finger food and get-to-know-you talk, he whipped out a bottle of red wine and glasses out of nowhere, and we sipped and talked ’til the sun set.’ – Yijun, attached female in her 20s
‘Romping in the Botanic Gardens.’ – Wenkai, attached male in his 20s
‘On my birthday where there is a Mercedes waiting for me for dinner with my partner.’ – Ross, attached male in his 30s
‘Surprise date from my boyfriend: picked up and taken to Osso for dinner and Orgo for drinks – "O"-themed!’ – Dharshini, attached female in her 20s
Read the results of our Time Out Singapore dating survey to find out what else our readers said about the Singapore dating scene.