
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – the film you're looking for

Written by
Iliyas Ong

We clue you in on the most compelling rumours about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Oh, and #spoileralert

Luke has turned to the Dark Side

We know Mark Hamill's in the cast, and we heard his voice in the first trailer – but why haven't we seen his face in the trailers and on the posters? Could it be that the Jedi Knight is now a Sith Lord, just like his dad?

That's what some fans are saying. Based on director JJ Abrams' love of red herrings, plus the fact that Hamill once mused how he'd like to see Luke Skywalker return as a villain, the geeks have got their tinfoil hats on. It's a long shot, but the franchise is in dire need of another 'I am your father' moment.

Probability: ★★☆☆☆ 'Don’t get cocky.'

Rey is Han and Leia's daughter

Not just that, but she's the twin of Kylo Ren (the Sith baddie pictured above). If that were true, it would mean Luke's voiceover in the first trailer – the 'You have that power, too' line – was probably directed at Rey. Hmm.

Probability: ★★★★ 'There is another...'

Chewbacca bites the bullet

Even typing that out made us tear. Yes, the Wookiee co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon will apparently be killed. Fanboys are using a screengrab from the international trailer as 'evidence': in it, lead heroine Rey can be seen bawling before a dead – and furry – body. Please don't say it's true, Chewie!

Probability: ★★★☆☆ 'Raaaaarrrrgh!'

Or maybe it’s Han Solo

We're not sure which is worse. According to the go-to fansite Making Star Wars, Kylo cuts down the beloved nerf herder. It's apparently similar to Obi-Wan's death: Han sacrifices himself to buy time for his team to escape. And if you recall, Harrison Ford had pleaded George Lucas to kill off the smuggler in the original trilogy.

Probability: ★★★☆☆ 'It’s true. All of it.'

Finn is Lando Calrissian's son

That's if the packaging for a Star Wars toy on Amazon can be trusted. (It can't.) We know very little of the hero, except that he somehow has Luke's – and therefore Anakin's – lightsabre that was dropped in Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back. What would be insanely cool is if the weapon kick-starts Finn's journey to being a hero. Yep, exactly like it did with Luke in A New Hope.

Probability: ☆☆☆☆ 'Why you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler.'

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is in cinemas from Dec 17.

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