The self-proclaimed dancing violinist did a pretty admirable job filling up the MasterCard Theatres at MBS on a Tuesday night, taking the space with a two-man band. With nothing but a screen backdrop of sceneries and dazzling colour swirls, Lindsey Stirling pranced across the stage like a graceful gazelle, sparkling from head to toe (literally).

Besides a couple of slightly-awkward-but-kind-of-endearing hip movements, Stirling’s energetic dance moves never faltered for the entire duration of the concert. We have no idea how she does it. We can’t even move our two left feet properly, much less execute effortless high kicks and twirls while performing 15 songs on the violin.

Stirling’s having a ball of a time, breaking out in huge grins when she chats with the audience in a manner so gleeful it feels like she’s more excited to see us than we are her. She tells us about her dad reading her bedtime stories as a kid, then surprises us with her a glimpse of her sweet vocals for a rendition of ‘Lord of the Rings’. She plays an adorable video of her childhood days. She reminisces about six couples who met at her shows and actually got hitched afterwards (not immediately, of course). Then she invites a volunteer to come up and join her, only the entire thing turns out to be staged. A guy strolls out with flowers. He gets down on his knee. He proposes to his girl of 1,001 days. They all proceed to huddle for a group hug and Stirling gets back to business with John Legend’s ‘All of Me’. Too cute.