Most people remember the first time they had a sip of alcohol. I don’t. Hell, I don’t even remember the last time I had a drink. That tends to happen after the eighth or so glass of the night. Just kidding – six is enough to do me in.
So when it came time to work on our feature on the best bars in Singapore, I gladly took on all comers. Cocktails, sake, wine, whisky, beer… I didn’t care. I was gonna drink it all like goddamn Gérard Depardieu – if Gérard Depardieu was Asian, lanky and couldn’t actually hold his liquor.
Anyway, fast-forward two weeks later, and those words would haunt me like a hangover. And I’m pretty sure the hangover haunted my words, too. Because you know what they say: write drunk, edit sober.

To wash away all that alcohol, we ate our way through the best affordable sushi restaurants in the city where you can have a full dinner without having to shell out hundreds of dollars. Oishii.

In this issue, we also braced ourselves to test out the most bizarre beauty treatments. If you're looking to try a new beauty regime, how about signing up for a bird poop facial or a fat freezing session?

And as the school holiday week rolls around once again, we clue you parents in on where to bring the little ones to run amok: indoor playgrounds.

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