
How to live your scariest day in Singapore

Written by
Time Out Singapore editors

8am: Run to bus stop while looking for your wallet. You left it at home.

8.30am: Cab it to work instead. There's a jam on the CTE. ERP's $6.

9am: Check your emails. Die a little inside.

10am: Check texts. Can't find phone.

10.15am: Called phone, couldn't find its vibrations. Call home. It's there. Phone-less for the day...

Noon: Long queues. Dude ahead of you in the line orders the last piece of fried chicken. The tissue packet you choped your seats with? Gone.

1pm: Rain. Stuck at food court with a meeting starting in five minutes.

1.15pm: Get to the meeting. Someone's shoes smell like wet dog. They're your shoes.

3pm: Get coffee. Run into boss. Literally.

5.30pm: Packing up. Summoned to a meeting.

7pm: Squeeze your way into the train. Stand next to a dude who's just run around Marina Bay. Train breaks down. No one in the cabin's hot.

9pm: Get home. MP's standing at your door for a chat.

Midnight: Go to sleep. Wake up. You’re still alive. Barely.

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