We've heard of memberships to spas, nightclubs and gyms, but what about perfumeries? Ditch off-the-rack scents that evaporate in an hour – Code Deco offers the latest pampering experience for all you beauty junkies, both men and the ladies.

Hone your sniffing prowess and find your perfect fragrance through Club Code Deco's subscription scheme, where you pay $45 a month to receive three vials (3 millilitres each) of exotic blends. They're basically to your nostrils what wine tasting is to your palate, and you can fill out feedback forms to help the team match subsequent concoctions to your preferences. Plus, expect fun little surprises in each delivery, including invitations to exclusive events and rare collabs with international perfumeries.

Look at it this way – smelling your perfume on another is pretty much the olfactory equivalent of bumping into someone wearing the exact same outfit at a party. When it comes down to it, in the stand-off between a commercial beauty counter bottle (we won't name names) and your own curated scent, the choice is easy. Let's just say #fearlesscreativity is the motto of this club and the other is, dare we say it, #basic. – Andrea Cheong
Visit Club Code Deco to register. $45/month for a minimum of three months.