No matter if you can’t afford expensive artworks (yet) – there’s always these aesthetically pleasing pieces to decorate your Instagram feed with.
1. Mars Desert Research Station #6 (2008) by Vincent Fournier

Vincent Fournier
About 30 miles west of Hanksville, Utah, lie craggy, unearthly formations in the San Rafael Swell – the site of the Mars Desert Research Station, and one of four stations founded and owned by Mars Society. The site’s closed off until May of this year, but French photographer Vincent Fournier’s 2008 chronicling of the area offers more than enough glimpses into a land unknown. This one’s presented by La Galerie Paris 1839.
Find it at: Vincent Fournier, Photo17
2. Profound by Solan Chiu

Solan Chiu
Among the functional wares, ceramic sculptures and mixed media works Hong Kong artist Solan Chiu’s pushed out over the years, it’s these anthropomorphic, miniature ceramic pieces that remain most prominent with their spindly legs and off-kilter features.
Find it at: Booth E02, solo exhibition
3. Serie Magdalena (2014) by Sair García

Sair García
Over 30 artists, whose works have hung in prestigious institutions across the Americas, are featured in ‘Latin American Voices’, including this interpretation of Colombia’s Magdalena River that’s crafted on non-corrosive stainless steel. García regularly incorporates issues of diaspora in his works – an apt talking point, if you ask us.
Find it at: LGM Arte International at Latin American Voices
4. Observatory (2017) by Nicola Anthony and Marc Nair

Nicola Anthony and Marc Nair
Step into an open paper dome – a chamber of observation, if you will – set with paper-thin walls formed from scrolls, its body not unlike a larger-than-life honeycomb structure. This is Intersection, an architectural installation of memories mapped across London, Singapore and Yangon – and a collaboration between 2016 Young Artist Award recipient, poet Marc Nair, and British artist Nicola Anthony. Catch the full exhibition at Intersections Gallery.
Find it at: Next to Booth A01
5. Napoleon’s Study (2017) by Jeff Murray

Jeff Murray
Look again: artist Jeff Murray’s pen and ink illusions mapping continents (and yet more) are the proud result of his influences from such surrealist masters as MC Escher and HR Giger. This piece reflects the eclectic gentleman’s study – all at once a place of charismatic charm, ancient history and worldly possessions.
Find it at: Booth D08, Jeff Murray
6. Official Portrait - Wu Guanzhong (2016) by Shen Shaomin

Shen Shaomin
A centaur, a three-headed beast and a giant mosquito: Chinese artist Shen Shaomin’s better known for his fantastical creature sculptures constructed using real animal bones, but here, he pays tribute to the late Wu Guanzhong, who remains one of the most respected contemporary Chinese painters of our time.
Find it at: Booth C05, Pu Gallery
7. Imago/Xin Xiang #2 (2016) by Kelly Liu

Kelly Liu
As part of her ‘Glazing’ series, Hong Kong artist Kelly Liu brings her subconscious to the forefront, letting it lead her thoughts and brush strokes. The result's a psychedelic collection of dramatic spirals and swirls, each an abstract reflection of her inner psyche and inhibitions.
Find it at: Booth D15, solo exhibition
8. The Flesh of Passage (2016) by Jeong Yun Choi

Bien Gallery
Growing up in largely urbanised, land-starved Korea, Jeong Yun Choi is intrigued by architectural designs and the concept of space. She frequently finds novel ways of creating new spaces and perspectives with her works – using a whole lot of thread, of course. You’ll find these spread across the show venue, and at the Bien Gallery booth.
Find it at: Booth D09, Bien Gallery
The Singapore Contemporary Art Show is at Level 4 Suntec City Convention Centre 'til Jan 22.