
Dream job: DJ Booker

Written by
Indran Paramasivam

Vanan M, 28
Entertainment Manager at Canvas

What do you do?

Basically, I book DJs who I think are suitable for the venue.

How do you decide who to book?

I pick them based on their current popularity, entertainment value, and most importantly, price. Besides this criteria, I have to weigh each booking against the demographic that frequents the club to see if there’s a good fit.

What if there’s a DJ with a high entertainment value but does not fit the club’s brand?

Then, I’ll probably book him or her for a one-off night, like the eve of a public holiday. As long as the act conforms to our music policy, I’ll consider them.

And what is your music policy?

We favour music that goes against the grain of mainstream trends – something different.

What has been your personal favourite booking so far?

I’d say Mix Master Mike, for sure. It was his first headlining show here. That was a crazy night!

What’s been your most difficult challenge, so far?

Booking the right DJ for the right night. If I were to book an international superstar who plays to a barely filled room here, it’d reflect badly on the club and on me. For this job, an in-depth knowledge of music is very important, as well as an understanding of the local crowd.

Are there any myths of the profession you’d like to shatter?

If you work in nightlife, everyone assumes all you do is get drunk and party. That’s not true. This is a job – I sometimes work seven days a week.

Does that perception bother you?

Not really. We are here to sell fun and we work very hard at doing that. That’s what I’m concerned with.

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