Nominated by Indra Kantono and Gan Guoyi, owners of Jigger and Pony, Sugarhall, Humpback, The Flagship and Gibson
‘When we thought about what qualities this drink should encompass to be named the “new Singapore classic”, we thought of a few things: firstly, it would have to fulfil the basic criteria of a good cocktail in terms of craft, balance of flavours, and visual attractiveness. Secondly, the spirit of Singapore should in some way be incorporated into the heart of this drink. The one cocktail that came to mind was Aki Eguchi’s Little Red Dot, which is a distillation of his experience here in Singapore and the cultural diversity present in our society.
‘Little Red Dot is a mix of Tanqueray No. Ten, lychee liqueur, Indian rosewater, raspberries, and grapefruit juice. Tanqueray No. Ten’s British roots represent Singapore’s British heritage as well as the diaspora within our population. Aki chose to represent the indigenous Chinese by using a lychee liqueur in the mix. The Indian rosewater is a reminder of his encounters in Little India, and the raspberries are a nod towards the interactions he has had with European guests and counterparts.
‘The ingredients are shaken together with ice, and the resulting liquid is a beautiful hue of red. There are no fancy garnishes adorning this cocktail – it is simple and beautiful on the outside, but packs a punch of flavours inside. This drink should not be underestimated or looked over, just like our tiny city-state.’