
Fura might have only officially opened in September, but it’s already raising the bar when it comes to future-forward sustainable efforts. Led by power couple Christina Rasmussen and Sasha Wijidessa, who both previously helmed Mallow, Fura uses ingredients that have a low carbon footprint that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to find in your typical drink. This includes Ugly Delicious ferments made using ugly fruits and veggies that would otherwise be discarded; cocktails made with invasive species like jellyfish and insects, which help to bring back balance to the environment; and locally grown produce from their own garden as well as hydroponic farms in Singapore.
In efforts to keep waste to a minimum, Fura has spearheaded initiatives like an in-house compost program and closed-loop upcycling where discarded products are given a second life. It is also committed to using EcoSPIRITS to help lower emissions by nearly eliminating all packaging and bottling. The commitment to sustainability doesn’t just stop there. The 40-seater indoor space is also furnished with sustainably made oyster shell coasters and recycled wood stools while the walls are painted with environmentally friendly limewash paint.