Located at the historic Istana Kampong Gelam, this museum traces the history of the Malay community from the days of the earliest settlers and the sea-faring might of the Bugis villagers to the golden years of the Malay entertainment industry. The Centre is a vital heritage institution for the Malay community in Singapore. It features six permanent sub-galleries spread over two levels, including the history of Kampong Gelam and contributions made by various Malay pioneers.
Education systems here have preached the importance of racial harmony since the end of time, but how much do we really know about the other cultures? In a nation made up of different cultures and religions, Singapore's identity is pretty unique – but it does get confusing at times.
If you need a crash course on other cultures, what better way to do it than visit a heritage centre or gallery? Not only will they raise your awareness about the histories of how each culture came about, you might even find out an interesting fact or two about your own heritage. Get schooled on the local culture at these heritage galleries in Singapore.
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