Jeremy Sharma
Photograph: Haridas Contemporary | Crossing (2023)

Recent Paintings by Jeremy Sharma

  • Art, Painting
Mingli Seet

Time Out says

As the name of the exhibition suggests, local artist Jeremy Sharma will be showcasing fifteen new paintings in his debut solo show at Haridas Contemporary. Fun fact, his love for painting only reignited towards the later part of the Covid pandemic following a hiatus spanning over a decade.

In his recent works, Sharma explores how painting can capture images from various sources in our digital-heavy world. He carefully selects images that grab his interest and then tweaks them by adjusting, cropping, or magnifying them before putting them on canvas.

But to him, it's not just about visuals; his paintings also tap into the emotional aspects such as relating to the quiet moments portrayed in it, as well as the emotions it stirs up – whether it's desire, resistance, or a moment of pause.

Don’t miss the chance to meet the artist himself at the gallery’s opening reception on January 13, from 5 to 8 pm.


Opening hours:
Thu-Sat noon-7pm, Sun noon-5pm
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