Familiar Others: Emiria Sunassa, Eduardo Masferré And Yeh Chi Wei, 1940s-1970s
Photograph: National Gallery Singapore

Familiar Others: Emiria Sunassa, Eduardo Masferré And Yeh Chi Wei, 1940s–1970s

  • Art
Mingli Seet

Time Out says

For the most part, modern artists living in this day and age look to “Others” for inspiration, emphasising differences and referencing exotic stereotypes from prehistoric cultures that we have no access to. Familiar Others explores this by questioning just who “the Other” is, and what it means to represent people who are different from us. The exhibition also acts as a platform to discuss the contemporary implications of these works by featuring the responses of eight commissioned creatives – artists, writers, musicians, scholars – and using them as the artwork descriptions instead, in turn challenging the museum’s conventional ways of labelling.


Free (Singaporeans and PRs); $20 (non-Singaporeans and PRs); $15 (concession)
Opening hours:
Daily 10am-7pm
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