1. Amazônia
    Photograph: Amazônia
  2. Amazônia
    Photograph: Amazônia
  3. Amazônia
    Photograph: Amazônia
  4. Amazônia
    Photograph: Amazônia
  • Art, Photography
  • National Museum of Singapore, City Hall


Mingli Seet

Time Out says

The Amazon rainforest is a vast and fragile ecosystem, and many of us go through life without ever having the chance to explore its depths. Amazônia offers an intimate look at the Amazon through the lens of renowned photo artist and photojournalist Sebastião Salgado, featuring over 200 stunning black-and-white photographs from his daring seven-year expedition. This breathtaking exhibition celebrates the rainforest and its indigenous communities while urging us to reflect on the delicate relationship between humanity and nature. Amazônia has captivated more than 1.4 million viewers worldwide, gracing iconic cities like Rome, London, and Zurich. 

This exhibition will also be accompanied by an immersive audio experience crafted by French musician Jean-Michel Jarre, inviting visitors to explore the enchanting sounds of the rainforest as they journey through its striking imagery.


National Museum of Singapore
93 Stamford Rd
To be confirmed
Opening hours:

Dates and times

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