
Get fit with CrossFit

One of the trendiest exercises all across the world. By Jamie


Great for Those who want to try a fun exercise routine in a social environment and tone their bodies.

Not great for Those who want to bulk up in muscle mass.

Would it be correct to say that you “do” CrossFit? An international phenomena that’s swept over 10,000 gyms and a series of competitions all over the world in the 15 years since its birth, many would argue that CrossFit is more of a philosophy than it is a workout routine. CrossFit relies on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and borrows from many different forms such as weightlifting, gymnastics, judo and powerlifting. The program can be grouped into either the CrossFit category or the Boot Camp category. Those who take part in CrossFit do a WOD (Workout of the Day), which challenges you to write your daily goals on a chalkboard and complete them, while training your entire body. Those who take part in Boot Camp focus more on weight loss and burning off fat. Some say that the joy of CrossFit comes from setting a standard for yourself and seeing that you’ve realized it.

The crossfit process


CrossFit is as much of a fight with your own self as it is a communal workout. So don’t be startled when a stranger comes up to greet you and shake your hand.


Unlike your typical weight training, they try to have you work out muscles that you don’t normally use. Make sure you stretch out all of those muscles according to the trainer’s instructions.


Listen to the instructions of the WOD and practice your stances and positions until you get them right. There’s always a high risk of injury, especially for weightlifting, so don’t get ahead of yourself and go for heavier weights from the get-go.


Out of all the scale options, choose the one according to your weight class, and enjoy your WOD along to the stimulating music. WODs are different every day, so check online before you get there.


If you’ve completed your WOD before the others, make sure to encourage and cheer for those who are still doing their WOD.


After wrapping up your session, make sure to put all the equipment back where you found it. Since CrossFit workouts are high in intensity, it’s important to eat well and get some rest afterwards.

From personal experience ...

“Help!” I thought I wouldn’t have to say that because I’ve kept (or at least I thought I did) good care of my physique by working out regularly. Boy, was I wrong. At Boot camp, I couldn’t stop laughing and talking nonsense after my WOD! I had to do a Shuttle Run, where you run in a zigzag between cones and then a Wall Ball Shot, where I had to bend my knees and bounce a medicine ball off the wall and catch it again. It continued on with the Battling Ropes, and by this time my sanity was going up and down as I shook the heavy ropes up and down. It finally ended with a hellish burn from the Burpees. That was my WOD. Even though I was completely out of breath and I even felt a bit nauseous, I was surprised to find myself more amused than thinking about how hard the workout was. It was also quite the sight to see complete strangers giving each other highfives, clapping and cheering for one another. CrossFit is not something you come prepared for, but is something you simply need to dive into. Start off your New Year right by stepping into the world of CrossFit.

We heard that women get bulky and masculine when they do crossfit. is that true?

That’s one of the most commonly asked questions, but it’s not true at all. If you really want to bulk up like that, you need to go into a training center, workout and eat like a professional athlete. For the sake of those who are still skeptical, I decided to take profile pictures of members who have been working with us every day for the past three months. You’ll get to see the results later this month, so make sure to check it out! —coach coco

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Crossfit sentinel IFC
Crossfit sentinel IFC
크로스핏 센티넬 IFC(CrossFit Sentinel IFC)는 대부분의 박스가 답답한 지하에 위치한 것과 달리 여의도 국제금융센터(IFC) ONE 건물 3층에 위치해 여의도 공원의 멋진 뷰를 감상하며 운동할 수 있다. 크로스핏과 부트캠프 존으로 나뉘어 있는데 서로의 수업에 방해를 주지 않는 독립공간으로 여유로운 운동 진행이 가능하다. 수업에 참여하기 위해선 공식 사이트(에 접속해 원하는 수업 시간을 예약하면 된다. 이곳을 비롯한 크로스핏 센티넬의 모든 지점에서는 부트캠프 무료 체험을 진행하고 있으니 부담 없이 경험해보기 바란다
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