Coco Chanel once said, "The opposite of luxury is not poverty, but vulgarity.” Indeed, you don’t need money to appreciate the beauty of many things in life. You just need to look for the right events and places in Seoul to discover the small luxuries of the everyday. Perhaps you need to stretch your body through yoga while appreciating world-famous paintings, or listen to classical music at one of the renovated palaces. Whatever extravagance you seek, here are some events to rejuvenate your body without shelling out the big bucks for brand names.
Often, small luxuries can make your life more tolerable. But Seoul, one of the most expensive cities in the world, it feels ways too easy to drain your wallet without doing a whole lot. There are ways, though, to fill your day or night with what would be considered little luxuries of the everyday with just 10,000 won, 20,000 won and for free, even. Check out this list of things you can do and buy to treat yourself without shelling out the big wons.