Flying yoga

An exercise for your body, mind and soul


What kind of exercise is flying yoga?

Great for All of those striving for better health, happiness and even a few more centimeters in height 
Not so great for Pregnant women, patients with glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure and those who recently had surgery. (The inversion poses can be dangerous for those who recently had surgery).

The originator of flying yoga, Christopher Harrison is both an athlete and a dancer. Using his abilities, he started AntiGravity Fitness, which is a workout program that incorporates aerial performances with the concept of fitness. Later on in Korea, this developed into flying yoga. Flying yoga is quite different from yoga, which focuses on finding peace of mind by moving one’s body. It also differs from Pilates, which aims to strengthen one’s core. Flying yoga can be a fun exercise routine for anyone, even for those who are not really interested in exercise. Using a yoga hammock, often called an aerial silk, flying yoga is easy, accessible and is a great way to exercise. The program claims that if you practice flying yoga regularly, your crooked back and shoulders will straighten up. It’s good for your blood circulation as well, as the yoga hammock will help your muscles contract and relax and because the inversion poses put you in an upside down position. Relieving the pressure on your hip joints will help your body to rid itself of toxins. You want a simpler explanation? I know I may sound like a psychic, but flying yoga will make you taller, your mind clearer and your mood happier. I mean it.

the original flying yoga, FlYing YoGA in New York

  • Health and beauty
FlYing YoGA in New York
FlYing YoGA in New York
First, yoga was really popular and then came hot yoga. Now it’s flying yoga. But FLYing YOGA in New York is where it all started. For the first time in Korea and in Asia, director Lee Sang-mi has introduced Christopher Harrison’s original AntiGravity yoga to people here and coined it “flying yoga.” Including its main branch in Apgujeong, there are seven branches in total and here is the only place where you can learn flying yoga as approved by the AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America).

Director Lee Sang-mi, the first person to start flying yoga in Asia


Since I like to work out, I’ve basically lived at the gym for the past three years and even had a personal trainer for a year. I had always had a healthy amount of self-confidence—at least until I stood in front of the silk hammock. I just kept staring back and forth from the ceiling to the floor. I was pretty scared that the hammock hanging down from the ceiling might break due to my weight. Making each pose, I kept saying: “I think this is going to break” and I was told: “It won’t. It can actually hold an elephant.” (In fact, this hammock is designed to withstand more than 1,000kgs.) Without even noticing, I completed all the poses (and I did pretty well). I’m always stressed out and never satisfied with myself (especially when it comes to my appearance). However, this experience allowed me to gain some faith in the hammock, what I was doing and myself. For the last five minutes, I cocooned myself in the hammock and mediated. “Be proud of yourself as you finished all the poses.” The words touched my heart and I choked up. When the session was finished I felt refreshed and full of energy.

Flying yoga, aerial yoga, AntiGravity yoga—what’s what?

To cut to the chase, they are all basically the same. When AntiGravity was first designed by Christopher Harrison, people didn’t really understand what it was. Director of FLYing YOGA in New York, Lee Sang-mi started using the term “flying yoga” to make it more comprehensible and it’s the term that people go by here in Korea.
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