1. Re-energize your pet with aromatherapy

Owner Jin Arang is a bit of a known figure in the pet owners' circle in Seoul, with her recent exposure on the TV show Animal Farm where she cured a cat suffering from insomnia with aromatherapy. The products she used on the show, ‘Aroma Therapy Mist’ and ‘Aroma Bloom,’ which Jin had created herself, are being sold at her online store Dog Shower. If you’ve been noticing a symptom of insomnia, poor digestion and low immunity among others, you'll be able to find an item on the online shop to help your pet feel better. All items are all-natural and easy to use: you can spray it on your pet's body, mix it with the water you feed your pet or put a few droplets in a humidifier inside your home.
16,000 won for 250 grams, 27,000 won 500 grams.