Its rooftop is filled with pink pool chairs, a storage covered in purple flowers, a large unicorn tube and Totoro plush laying around the floor. Its walls often change colors—it was bright with red, orange, yellow, green and blue, and now it’s baby pink and white. And yes, Contoyner’s one of those places people visit for an Instagram-worthy shot, and for that, no one needs to feel shy—make a cute face, weird face or whatever, cause you know the person behind you’s making a cuter, weirder face right now...
The inevitable truth is that we have grown older and will continue to do so. Some of us have already reached that age where that one gigantic football field in your elementary school, just seems so awkwardly small now. Most of the toys and dolls we used to play with are probably stored away in storage spaces or forgotten and left behind as we move on in our lives. All those fond memories you had playing make-believes at home—well, you can revive those nostalgic memories at these select kidult cafés!