This year, the Jeonju International Film Festival (Jeonju IFF) marks its 17th year. As one of the most influential film festivals in Korea, Jeonju IFF attempts to discover and introduce creative and challenging films. This year, the Jeonju IFF will feature 210 films from 40 different countries. Of the diverse pool, Korean films will be at the forefront, and programs, such as the Korean Competition, will highlight titles previously unseen. This year the Korean Competition received 121 applications, but only the 10 best were chosen as finalists. Films such as Curtain Call and Madam B, which both won recognition at the Jeonju Project Market, are included in this year’s final list, raising the standards for all of the films and the audiences’ anticipation.
Another highlight of the Jeonju IFF is the Jeonju Cinema Project, which aids independent films during the production and distribution stages by connecting filmmakers to local and international film industry agents. Films that have previously been released through this program, such as Snow Paths, have received positive feedback in international festivals and were released in local theaters.
The Jeonju IFF continues to change and innovate along with the times. Over the years, programs popular with cinephiles, such as Expanded Cinema and Cinematology, have been strengthened, and this year, the opening and closing ceremonies have been revived to fill the air with the excitement of the film festival. Last year, the festival attracted 75,000 visitors. Jeonju is the perfect day-trip away from Seoul, so there’s no excuse not to check out the Jeonju IFF.
Film screening times Apr 6th
Opening ceremony tickets open Apr 12, 2pm
Ordinary screening tickets open Apr 14, 11am