
The diminutive backwards-talking mystical muppet whose knowledge of the Force is second to none. In the original trilogy he’s a marvel of creature design: tactile, sympathetic and loveable. His CGI incarnation in The Phantom Menace looks like a rubber troll sprung unnervingly to life, though this does improve somewhat over the next two movies.
Why do we love him?
You have to ask? He’s Yoda! Eight hundred years old and still going strong, master of telekinesis and Eastern philosophy, a whizz with a lightsaber who also has a wicked sense of humor and an odd fascination for pocket flashlights. Everything about him is iconic: that idiosyncratic manner of speech (part aging Jewish comedian, part inscrutable Samurai warrior), that unique raspy voice (supplied by Frank Oz, so the similarity to Miss Piggy is understandable), the amazing puppet work, even the really-not-soterrible CGI in the last two prequels (the way he bounces off the walls during the lightsaber battle is amazing).
Seen in
All six movies except Star Wars
Key line
“Do, or do not. There is no try.”