Bogal: a substitute word for “gays” as a whole
Ggi: a feminine energy and affectionateness
Suk-i: In the older generation of Koreans, the “suk” was a common second syllable in many names so nowadays, gays will jokingly replace the second syllable with “suk” (calling Jong-min, Jong-suk).
A-bong: The word “ah-gari” is slang for mouth and the word “bong-in” means shutting. Saying this is synonymous with “I’ll shut my mouth now” and is used when you make a mistake and feel quite sheepish about it. Example: “Oh, I ran into your ex. He got hot! Oops, sorry! A-bong.”
Ijo bogal: a word that refers to older gays. Example: “This bar only has ijo bogals.”
Gaysbook (Gaybook): The community of gays on Facebook
Gigal: The temper of a gay man, marked by their stinging and sharp remarks. Example: “His gigal is no joke.” “I lost to his gigal.”
Beok cha da: Playboys. Example: “Oh, that guy’s dated everyone in the scene. He’s really beok cha da.”
Yeokdae: Usually used in reference to famous gays. Example: “I heard there’s a yeokdae showing up at the club today.”
Il-tik: Someone who doesn’t necessarily fit the stereotype of a flamboyant gay person. (In the Korean gay scene, this word is also synonymous with the feeling of being “a good looking gay person.”)
Ppippi: An undesirable situation, or person. Example: “I don’t like this bar. This bar is really ppippi.”