I have a 20-year-old, bisexual, transgender son, who came out when he was 15. Even in the U.S., I knew that the LGBTQ community was still subject to discrimination. I couldn’t just stand back. I want to make sure LGBTQ people, including my son, have the equal rights and respect they deserve.
I have a 20-year-old, bisexual, transgender son, who came out when he was 15. Even in the U.S., I knew that the LGBTQ community was still subject to discrimination. I couldn’t just stand back. I want to make sure LGBTQ people, including my son, have the equal rights and respect they deserve.
Hear Clara speak at these LGBTQ events
Asian Parents of LGBTQ People Forum hosted by 성소수자 부모모임 and Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Korea (행동하는 성소수자 인권연대 AKA 행성인)
Asian parents of LGBTQ children from the U.S. (API project in PFLAG NYC), Japan, China and Korea (성소수자 부모모임) will share their experiences as parents and activists fighting for LGBTQ equal rights. Simultaneous interpretation available. International Conference Room, Building #302, Chung-ang University. 84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu. May 10, 2pm.
Queer film screening and panel event
Forum participants will talk about their experiences as parents of LGBTQ children. The movie is TBD, but it will be related to family issues and LGBTQ identity. Simultaneous interpretation available. Cinematheque Seoul Art Cinema. 13, Donhwamun-ro, Jongno-gu. May 12, 7:30pm.
IDAHOT event
A public event celebrating the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia hosted by Rainbow Action Against Sexual Minority Discrimination, during which, Clara and other Korean parents will deliver speeches. In Korean only. Location and time TBD. May 14.
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