Photo: Seo Hye-min
Seo Hye-min (Bangi-dong, bride-to-be)
How did you know he’s the one?
I thought there would be some moment when I would know for sure, but it hasn't come yet. Perhaps, I'll always wonder if he's “the one.” Sometimes, I wonder if I made the right choice, but no matter how much I think about it, I think I would make the same choice again in any lifetime. There's no one else in the world that understands me like he does and I never grow tired of him.
How did he propose?
My husband had told me that we spent so much money on the wedding that there wasn’t much left over to have a special proposal event. I didn’t really expect anything but when we went to take our wedding photos in Jeju, we stood in an open green field and he suddenly got down on one knee with the ring and asked me to marry him. Truth be told, we had already picked out the ring so I thought: “Is this man really going to do the proposal like this?” But now that I think back on it, it’s a lovely memory. Not bad at all.
When are you getting married?
On Saturday June 4th, at the office building of NCSOFT in Pangyo. I first didn't like the idea of getting married at an office building, but it's prettier than I thought.
Is it expensive to get married?
Yes, quite a lot [but it saves a lot of money to get married at an office building]. If you go to a regular wedding hall, you usually have to pay at least 3 million won, but here, the venue is free [since it’s free for the people who work there, like my husband] and the food isn't too expensive.
Are you excited about it?
I guess everyone feels pretty much the same before their wedding. I just get these complicated feelings several dozen times a day. I think it will be good living together, but then again I get frustrated when something happens and then later I feel happy again, thinking about how we will go grocery shopping and cook together.