Yongsan-dong, Geunnam Ok, 33, art director
You wear so many different hats—visual director, illustrator and brand director. Which of these is your favorite?
It’s hard to choose just one. I love seeing the final products that are created through the processes that I designed.
I’d like to work on various projects and continue to create, regardless of the genre.
From where do you get your inspiration?
I get it from wherever I stay the longest and from whomever I see the most frequently.
I’m often at work, Palindrome Studio, and with my co-worker, the designer Moohyun Nam.
What’s your passion at the moment?
Traveling. I think the reflection you engage in after a trip is what’s the most important.
Coming back home after spending awhile somewhere else, you have the opportunity to learn so much about your place in the world
and the value of your existence.
What’s your favorite place in Seoul?
Hide Out Seoul. It’s a bar located where Sowol-gil and Gyeongridan intersect. It has
a nice rooftop where you can sit and nurse a cold glass of beer while gazing at the stars.
Friends of mine, whom I love and respect so much, run it.
What do you see yourself doing in the future?
I’m mostly interested in things that I can physically experience. Whether it’s pottery or action figures, the means don’t matter so as
long as I can express myself.