Back in 2011, SeongJoon visited an exhibition of aerial photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Struck by the Frenchman’s images, he began to dream of capturing Korea from above and from a Korean point of view. Fast forward a few years and, in 2014, that dream finally become a reality when SeongJoon begged his wife to let him invest in a $14,000 DJI S1000 drone he himself wasn’t sure how to use. “I had to take lessons from an expert and practice by myself for a good two to three months. And in many ways, it’s a lot like driving a car,” explained SeongJoon, who is now head of his own multimedia company called Drone Images and a photographer for Bloomberg.
It’s that breathtaking feeling you get looking out the window of a night plane, when you have that moment of awe at all the tiny yellow lights in the distance and think, “Wow, the city looks like this.”
Photographer SeongJoon Cho calls this “rediscovery” or the “ability to find new angles in a familiar image” and uses his drone to return you to that feeling over and over again.