
Art exhibitions of kidults, by kidults, for kidults

Seoul’s 3 kidult exhibitions


“All children, except one, grow up.” This is the starting phrase of the celebrated novel PeterPan. Perhaps J.M. Barrie (the Scottish author of the novel) was correct, as these outstanding individuals continue to pursue their childhood ambitions. Catering to this population and of course, those who would like to return to their childlike state, Seoul is hosting a few exhibitions right now. Pixar’s 30-year anniversary special exhibition at DDP will have you surrender in awe at all the interesting elements that make up the movies we know today. Dukhoo Project at the Buk-Seoul Museum will portray an insight into the cultural phenomenon of "deoku-ism." And lastly, Kidult is The Art exposes local artist who are celebrated for their work in their respective fields, whether it be figure making or Lego dioramas. Learning of the kidult culture through art will most likely be an eye-opening experience for many, even those who kidults right now.

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