The Bud Stop
Photograph: Yelp/Diana T. | The Bud Stop
Photograph: Yelp/Diana T.

The best florists in San Francisco

From classic roses to exotic blooms, these florists in San Francisco have a bouquet to fit every style


Flowers will always be beautiful, but it’s only the most talented San Francisco florists that can turn them into stunning works of art. At our favorite flower shops in San Francisco you’ll find everything from holiday classics like long stemmed roses to delightful, unexpected floral surprises like succulents and bonsai. Choose your own adventure for the quickest way to your Valentine’s heart. Looking to go the extra mile? Treat your recipient to dinner at one of the city’s most romantic restaurants or pick up a little something sweet at these top chocolate stores

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San Francisco florists

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Lower Nob Hill
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

Floréal’s aesthetic can be summed up by their eye-catching, taxidermy-heavy window displays: weird but fantastic. The shop’s stunning flower arrangements and topiary are as sculptural as they are floral, especially when they incorporate unusual elements like bird’s nests and blown glass. You’re just as likely to walk out of here with a flower arrangement as with an antique magnifying glass or natural work of art you never knew you needed.

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Mission Dolores
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

This little blue barn tucked down a Mission alley is an oasis of California-grown farm fresh flowers. Ampersand encourages visitors to select their own blooms and to create a custom bouquet. If you need a little guidance, their knowledgeable floral designers are more than happy to work their magic.

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Lower Nob Hill
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

Hiro Hayama’s shop is not your average flower boutique. Raised in Tokyo and schooled in the traditional Japanese art of flower arranging, ikebana, Hayama offers Japanese bonsai, succulents, air plants, and aquatic plants alongside classic cut flowers in his colorful shop. Arrangements and living artwork at Utsuwa are reasonably priced and unique—a nice surprise compared to the roses you usually buy bae. 

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Mission
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

Mission de Flores doesn’t have a gimmick, just beautiful flowers in artful arrangements. The unassuming shop on Folsom Street is jam packed with fresh buds and blooms—you can have a bouquet custom made or select from a concept like the Golden Goddess, a tropical mix of birds of paradise and palm fronds (from $175). If cut flowers aren’t your thing, check out Mission de Flores’ succulents, available in all shapes and sizes.

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Cow Hollow
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

This no frills flower stall in Cow Hollow puts all their energy towards making their freshly cut blooms shine. In the tradition of city flower sellers, The Bud Stop lays out their daily selections and arrangements along the sidewalk for quick and easy flower shopping. Choose one of their designs or select your own flowers for a custom Valentine’s Day bouquet.

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Potrero Hill
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

Farmgirl Flowers owner Christina Stembel has found a way to make creating and delivering flower arrangements sustainable. Farmgirl creates only one type of bouquet each day and the organic blooms they use change depending on the season and what can be found locally. Their arrangements come by bike courier, sweetly wrapped in burlap.

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • The Castro
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

This family owned and operated flower shop is just as good today as when it first opened in the Castro more than 15 years ago. One of the most affordable florists in the city, Urban Flowers has designed over a dozen Valentine’s Day arrangements for the upcoming holiday, including a bouquet of rainbow streaked roses ($35–$110). If you don’t see something you like, Urbano Reynoso and his team can create whatever you have in mind.

  • Shopping
  • Markets and fairs
  • SoMa
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended
San Francisco Flower Mart
San Francisco Flower Mart

If you fancy yourself a bit of a hunter—bargain hunter, treasure hunter, what-have-you—San Francisco Flower Mart has your name written all over it. This refrigerated warehouse has the largest selection of cut flowers, plants and foliage in the country. Get creative amongst the tropical plants or keep it traditional with a roses, carnations and tulips. Either way, you’ll be getting a deal by going straight to the source!

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Potrero Hill
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

Over the years this little flower shop has developed into a floral juggernaut with a boutique in Potrero Hill and a workshop space in Oakland. These days a lot of energy goes into the floral designs for events but they’ve still got more than enough time for customers looking for a beautifully designed bouquet for a special occasion. If you dream of a more long-term floral gift, Bell and Trunk can help you create a living wall, sign you up for a weekly plant or flower subscription and even teach you to create your own arrangements in one of their DIY classes.

  • Shopping
  • Flower shops
  • Outer Richmond
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended

At this European-inspired flower garden, owner Oxana Sanukova sources the freshest seasonal blooms, berries and greens to create whimsical, wild and romantic displays. Bring home a bouquet for Valentine’s Day or, better yet, sign up for Sol Ambiance’s floral subscriptions ($45–$110) to get fresh cut flowers or a new luxurious arrangement delivered to your home each week.

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