
Skateboarder shreds through the streets of San Francisco

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Time Out San Francisco editors

Transportation is one of San Francisco’s hot-button issues. Muni buses, car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are all vying for space on the road. Skateboarders, however, seem to breeze through town without any of that drama. A fantastic example of just how sweet life is for skateboarders in San Francisco is this promotional video from Caliber Truck Co. (Caliber sells supplies for skateboards, not trucks.) The video features skater Liam Morgan shredding the hills of San Francisco, from Pacific Heights to Potrero. Morgan, an Alameda native, has a lively bio on the Caliber website, but be forewarned, the details run a bit NSFW—including tidbits like favorite sex positions and awkward boners. 

The video below is perfectly safe for work. It’s just not safe for you to try at home.

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