
San Francisco nudists plan to march around town this weekend

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Time Out San Francisco editors

A group of San Francisco nudists plan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the famous Summer of Love with a nude parade and public dance.

According to nudist organizer Gypsy Taub, 1967's Summer of Love "sent such powerful ripples of love throughout our whole planet that it changed the world forever. It brought us a spiritual awakening of unprecedented proportions, which in turn lead to a powerful peace movement, sexual liberation, body freedom, women’s rights, greater human rights in general, animal rights, environmental protections and other grass roots movements on all fronts of human existence." 

Did anyone else get the giggles from a nudist using the phrase "powerful ripples?" Just us? Okay, moving on. 

The parade will officially kick off at Jane Warner Plaza at the intersection of Castro and 17th Streets at 11am on Saturday, May 20. Attendees should note that this event will be filmed by the Dutch Public Broadcast Television for a documentary about the Summer of Love set to air in Holland this summer. Those who wish can arrive early to get some free body-painting and answer questions for Dutch filmmakers. 

Nudists (and fans of nudism) will then march to Haight and Stanyan Streets, and then back again. Taub has secured a parade permit until 2:30pm Saturday and plans for the contingent to dance in Warner Square until the permit expires, if not longer. A NSFW event site details the parade route here

Attendees are asked to keep with the Summer of Love theme and adorn their bodies with flowers, peace signs, or anything else reminiscent of the hippie movement. Taub is super-excited about Saturday's event, to which everyone is welcome to attend. 

"Let’s shed our clothes. let’s shed our inhibitions, our self doubt and self hate," said Taub in a press release. "Let’s wake up to the love, to the flame that burns within our hearts. Let’s show the world that we as the human race have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to fear. Let’s spread love, body freedom and sexual liberation! Let’s demonstrate that we are not afraid to be vulnerable, that we are not afraid to be free."

Who's in?

h/t: SFIST

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